EPFL Topology Seminar 2015/16

Tuesdays at 10:15

CM 113




Date Title Speaker
6.10.15 Waldhausen K-theory and topological coHochschild homology Kathryn Hess
13.10.15 A torus theorem for homotopy nilpotent groups Jérôme Scherer
20.10.15 The signature of a fibration modulo 8. Carmen Rovi
MPI Bonn
27.10.15 From precalculus to calculus in algebraic topology Kathryn Hess
3.11.15 Dupont-Guichardet-Wigner quasi-morphisms and mapping class group Wolfgang Pitsch
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
10.11.15 Comparing the homotopy calculi David Barnes
Queen’s University Belfast
17.11.15 No Seminar
24.11.15 Grothendieck-Neeman duality and the Wirthmüller isomorphism Ivo Dell’Ambrogio
Université de Lille
1.12.15 Re-classifying Homogeneous Functors and Layers of Partial Towers Rosona Eldred
Universität Münster
8.12.15 Relative smash products of commutative ring spectra Sean Tilson
University of Osnabrück
10.12.15 (3.30pm in MA110) Power operations in Adams spectral sequences Sean Tilson
University of Osnabrück
6.1.16 (11.00am in MA30) The suspension of K Marc Stephan
University of Chicago
2.2.16 (MA110) Hopf invariants, rational homotopy theory, and physical integrals Dev Sinha
University of Oregon
11.2.16 (10.15am in MA12) The Whitehead conjecture and its BU analogue Gregory Arone
Stockholm University
23.2.16 An approximate nerve theorem Primoz Skraba
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
1.3.16 No Seminar
8.3.16 The localization genus of a space Jérôme Scherer
15.3.16 No Seminar
22.3.16 A model-categorical cotangent complex formalism part 1 Matan Prasma
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
24.3.16 (10.15am in CM113) A model-categorical cotangent complex formalism part 2 Matan Prasma
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
5.4.16 Assembly maps in coarse geometry Matthew Gadsden
University of Sheffield
8.4.16 (10:15am in CM113) Topological Manifold Calculus Daniel Pryor
Queen’s University Belfast
12.4.16 The Goodwillie tower of spaces and analogues of rational homotopy theory Gijs Heuts
University of Copenhagen
19.4.16 No Seminar
26.4.16 No Seminar
3.5.16 No Seminar
10.5.16 Iterated Hochschild homology and red-shift Christian Ausoni
Université Paris 13
17.5.16 Swiss-Cheese operad and application to the space of long embeddings Julien Ducoulombier
Université Paris 13
24.5.16 Algebraic models of rational equivariant cohomology theories John Greenlees
University of Sheffield
31.5.16 Type theory and higher categories Karol Szumiło
University of Western Ontario

(See also the program of the topology seminar in 2011/12,  2010/11,  2009/102008/09,  2007/08, 2006/07, and 2005/06.)



Hess: I will present joint work with Brooke Shipley, in which we have defined a model category structure on the category of ΣX+-comodule spectra such that the K-theory of the associated Waldhausen category of homotopically finite objects is naturally weakly equivalent to the usual Waldhausen K-theory of X, A(X). I will relate this comodule approach to A(X) to the more familiar approach in terms of Σ Ω X+-module spectra. I will also explain the construction and properties of the topological coHochschild homology of X, which is a potentially interesting approximation to A(X).


Scherer: This is joint work with Cristina Costoya and Antonio Viruel. Homotopy nilpotent groups have been defined by Biedermann and Dwyer as certain homotopy algebras over the “Goodwillie calculus algebraic theories” (one for each nilpotency class). This yields a beautiful filtration of loop spaces where homotopy abelian loop spaces are precisely infinite loop spaces. In order to do computations however a more naive notion of nilpotency is useful. We introduce a new invariant called “extension by principal fibrations length”, explain how it is related to homotopy nilpotency, and apply it to describe all finite homotopy nilpotent loop spaces.


Rovi: In this talk we shall be concerned with the residues modulo 4 and modulo 8 of the signature